Full Moon in Scorpio: Making the Darkness Conscious

This month’s full moon occurs in the early hours of 24th April (00.50 on 24th April) and sees the Sun and Moon making their monthly opposition, with the Sun at 4˚ Taurus and Moon at 4˚ Scorpio. Scorpio is not a restful place for the moon, it stirs up deeply buried feelings and resentments, and we will likely have to face some unconfortable truths over this full moon, especially with the Sun-Moon opposition making a t-square to Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto, the mythological ‘Lord of the Underworld’ is the modern ruler of Scorpio and draws our gaze downward and inward toward the deeper aspects of the soul, away from the light of outer appearances. The square aspect is hard and unforgiving, it darkens the mind, and intensifies the emotional life, delivering the starkest of truths. It is worth pondering on Carl Jung’s famous statement: “one does not become enlightened by imaging figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious”.

A full moon brings issues to awareness by exposing the tension of opposite forces. Being in the Taurus season, we are enjoying the anabolic, up-building forces from where growth comes as sunlight increases and life flourishes. With the Moon opposed the Sun, though, we are met by the catablic forces of Scorpio, which breaks down the integrity of life, and questions whether what is being presented can actually be trusted - it is through Scorpio that the light of psychological insight grows and we penetrate beneath the surface of things. So the Taurus-Scorpio polarity is about the visible and the invisible, material gain and material loss, having and not having, the radiant splendour of nature and the inner light of the soul, where a deeper truth is revealed.

The shadow aspects of an Scorpio full moon are covetousness and jealousy; the urge to want to hang on to what we have, met with an opposing and equally toxic urge to have what someone else has. The Taurus-Scorpio shadow takes us into the mythological realm of the minotaur, the half-man, half bull creature, born out of an unnatural lust that resulted from the failure to relinquish the stewardship of something precious and bountiful. We should tend to these urges with care and close attention over this full moon and notice where the twin monsters of greed and envy collide.

The healing medicine of Taurus is a rite of gratitude; to be thankful for what we have while we have it, accepting the grace with which it was given, and to offer that up in thanks, recognising that we are only its steward and not its keeper. This opens us to the counter medicine of Scorpio which is to turn toward the shadow, look into the dark mirror of the soul, embrace death as a gateway within a greater cycle of life, and allow its transforming power to digest what is no longer vital and alive.

Below you will see the full moon chart, drawn up for London. You will see the Sun and Moon in opposition making the t-square to Pluto. Also the line up of planets in Aries, and the Juputer-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which was exact over the weekend (21/22 Apr). You can read my article about the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction here.

You will also see the applying conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Pisces, which becomes exact in just over a week’s time. This is all about the sublimation and dissolution of the warrior impulse. It will tend to diffuse energies, and if we push too hard during this conjunction we may be susceptible to illness, so it is best to reduce our outward activity at such a time, and channel our energy toward more artisitic or spiritual pursuits.

My Scorpio mantra runs: “I face my own shadow, and in so doing, I realise the deepest aspect of my soul.

Full moon blessings to all


Foundation Course in Astrological Studies: 15th Oct 2024 - 17th June 2025

The course is delivered in a way that really brings astrology to life! In addition to the rich, deep material presented each week, you will be invited to engage in an exploration of your own birth, including optional creative projects to deepen your learning.

The course is designed for beginners, but is also suitable for those with existing astrological knowledge.  So if you want to deepen your understanding of what you already know the course is well set up to support you with that.

In addition to the 27 live classes, foundation course students have access to an online classroom, where you will find all the recordings of the classes, accompanied by extensive written material to support the learning process. The live classes are held on Zoom, and the course also includes ongoing support via an interactive community forum, where we post weekly challenges and extra material to keep you engaged.

Click here for foundation course details...

Diploma Course in Astrological Studies: 5th Oct 2024 -10 Sep 2025

I am delighted to be offering another diploma programme, which takes us on from foundation level and really works with how to apply astrological understanding in practice, with friends, family and clients. The course is delivered in seven modules. Each module will focus on the questions that clients typically come with to a consultation. Each module carries a different theme. These are vocation, relationships, family dynamics, money, health, and karma. The final module of the course is dedicated to the art of astrological practice, which deals with the ethics of practice, and counselling skills.

Taking the diploma course will significantly increase your ability to interpret a chart in depth and give you the confidence to apply your interpretive understanding in real life situations with friends and clients. The course will really help you to ground your existing knowledge of astrological technique, develop your language, use of metaphor, and intuitive skills in the way your connect to the astrological signatures of a birth chart. The course is rooted in its ethical approach to offering astrological guidance and giving consultations.

Click here for full details of the diploma course...

Meet the planetary archetypes and experience how they come alive and animate your life! Experience the healing theatre of your own astrological chart in a beautiful retreat centre in the heart of the Glastonbury Zodiac landscape. Five days of embodied, experiential astrology play, dance, song and ceremony.

Astrodrama takes us beyond words, concepts and psychological analysis to evoke the archetypal dimension of astrology. The experience enables us to contact planetary energies through direct experience with the vital rhythms of soul and psyche.

More details about the astrodrama retreat here…


New Moon in Taurus: Radical Humanness


Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction