Full Moon & Saturn’s Shift into Pisces
This full moon (7 Mar 2023, 12.42pm, UK time) places the Sun and Moon in the opposing signs of Pisces, the poet-mystic, and Virgo, the wily crafter. And it falls on an important day astrologically, when Saturn changes sign. It is such a significant shift for Saturn, from Aquarius, the sign that it rules and commands a great deal of authority in, to Pisces a sign that Saturn will struggle to establish the same kind of ideological order as it has enjoyed in Aquarius. Piscean energy dissolves boundaries, exposes the weakness of systems, and is more likely to unravel and dissipate the hard line control that Saturn insists upon and weaken its structures.

An Astrological Perspective On Our New ‘Fisher’ King
The signatures in King Charles III’s chart bear the hallmark of someone wounded in the core of their sovereign being. He is born with his natal Sun, the ruler of his chart (having Leo ascendant) in an applying conjunction with Chiron (the wounded healer) in Scorpio in the 5th house of personal power and creative vitality. This points to someone who is wounded in the very centre of his own power, crippled in some way in his ability to radiate his own divine destiny and birthright, but someone also imbued with the capacity and vocational calling to heal. A mythic image that lies at the heart of the royal archetype, is that of the vitality of the sovereign being tied to the prosperity of the land and its people, and Charles carrying this signature, we are reminded of the Fisher King who, in Arthurian legend, is the last in a long line of rulers charged with the protection of the Holy Grail.