Who is Kairos?
The Greek word kairos denotes a ‘time out of time'. It is the boundless, eternal moment, full of uncompromising presence. It is a propitious time, the ‘right time’, the right moment for action, a moment loaded with serendipity and meaningful correspondence.
Kairos is also a god, the ‘god of the fleeting moment’: a youth, winged and running, with a prominent tuft of hair for a fringe, and bald at the back. When Kairos enters your life, you have to grab him by his forelock. If you wait a moment too long, he will get away from you, and there is nothing at his back to seize hold of!
Unlike the more familiar Saturn or Chronos, for whom time is chronological and who narrates our experiences through the orderly passage of time, the moment of Kairos is wild and unbiddable. As astrologers, even while we work within Saturn’s time-bound rules and structures, Kairos can, and often does, appear in an astrological consultation; in a moment of inspiration, when the planets align and reveal their divine intent through a synchronicity. Often there is a subtle but undeniable change in atmosphere when this happens, as the God of the Fleeting Moment arrives on winged feet. And if the serendipity of his appearance inspires us to seize him by the forelock, and pull him into our life, then our life can turn on that moment.
At the Kairos School of Astrology, we offer you the chance to expand your astrological, archetypal and mythological imagination, to prepare your mind and heart, for the synchronicities that abound in our lives, if only we are able to recognise them. We will teach you the techniques and rules of birth chart interpretation, but more than that we will help you open up intuitively and imaginatively to the astrological art.
We live primarily (and necessarily, for the sake of our sanity) in a Saturnian paradigm of cause and effect, action and consequence, one thing following another. Saturn makes us accountable for our actions and renders us ethically responsible to uphold the laws of nature and society. By contrast, to open up to Kairos is to be in touch with a more subtle, and more profound, paradigm of synchronicity, wherein life reveals to us its deeper mystery through a web of meaningful coincidences that lie beneath the surface of our daily lives. A deep study of astrology and its archetypes can open us up to this paradigm, while keeping us grounded through its system of rules and techniques, the necessary offering we make to Saturn.

“What an amazing course that was. So inspiring and so well structured. It left me feeling awed by the complexity of astrology but somehow not overwhelmed by the amount there is to learn.”
— Ava Bogle

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