The diploma programme is an opportunity for students who have completed the Kairos Astrology foundation course, (or those who have gained an equivalent training elsewhere) to apply what they have learned in practice. The structure of the diploma course is designed to address the specific questions and intentions that clients typically present with for a consultation. The course runs in modular form, and each of the seven modules is designed around a particular theme.
In order to take the diploma course, you must have completed the Kairos Foundation Programme, or an equivalent foundation course from another APAI accredited school, such as the CPA or LSA.
The Kairos Diploma programme is a certified course, and students who complete it and pass the assessment criteria, are awarded a professional qualification, the dip. KSA, which is accredited by the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI).
Taking the diploma modules will significantly increase your ability to interpret a chart in depth and give you the confidence to apply your interpretive understanding in real life situations with friends and clients. The course will really help you to ground your existing knowledge of astrological technique, develop your language, use of metaphor, and intuitive skills in the way your connect to the astrological signatures of a birth chart. The course is rooted in its ethical approach to offering astrological guidance and giving consultations.
You can also follow the course without taking the accreditation route.

Course Structure
The course is delivered in seven modules. Each module will focus on the questions that clients typically come with to a consultation.
Each module carries a different theme. These are vocation, relationships, money, family dynamics, health & karma / spiritual direction. The final module of the course is dedicated to the ethics of astrological practice. This is a practical training specifically designed for students who are looking either to practice professionally as astrologers, and/or develop their skills and confidence in being able to offer guidance to family and friends.
Each of the seven modules centres around the recognition of astrological signatures in a birth chart pertaining to each area of life, and how to address these with clients. The learning process is experiential, with lots of personal chart work, combined with case study research.
We will be revising the astrological basics for interpretation, and significantly developing this so that students can give more detailed guidance. We will be looking at life-themes from the different perspectives, ensuring that students are offering astrological insight from an ethical standpoint, one that is of genuine service to others.

“I did John's diploma course back in 2018 and loved every minute of it. Working with your own natal chart throughout the course was insightful, and helped me recognise my creative and intuitive gifts, that I'd doubted before. Astrology has been life changing for me - it's given me deeper clarity about my soul purpose, emotional needs and desires, bringing me back to my centre. John's style of embodied teaching makes it easy to connect with the energies and archetypes on a somatic level, so you can see how they express themselves in your life. I highly recommend John's course!”
Hannah Dudley, dip. KSA (2018-2019 Diploma Programme)
“John’s clear love and deep knowledge of astrology, the night sky, mythology and history is profoundly articulated through his poetic and graceful teaching style. A true pleasure to learn to integrate this ancient science into every day life. I could not recommend this course more.”
Keri L, dip. KSA (2021-22)
“This course has brought me so much more than I could have anticipated when I started this journey. I thank you all for the different ways you embody astrology, because for me that is the most important of all.”
Kristien D, dip. KSA (2021-22)
“John is a gifted, inspirational teacher, able to convey complex material in a way that is digestible for a beginner, but with a depth of passion that ensures you will be a devotee of astrology forever. I highly recommend this course, whether you want to learn more about yourself or become a professional practising astrologer.”
Alison M, dip. KSA (2021-22)
“John is a soulful, thoughtful, knowledgeable, enthusiastic teacher on astrology. The lessons are varied in style which keeps the interest there and I can't recommend John and the support team enough. I have enjoyed every moment of this celestial and inner journey.”
Joumana M, dip. KSA (2021-22)
“ I loved the mythology aspect of the course, the astrodrama elements, and the way we were invited to really see astrology as a live and dynamic part of our lives, rather than a formulaic technique. I so enjoyed the the poetic and philosophical nature of the course, and I really appreciated the psychological component to understanding the archetypes of the planets. Overall I thought it was incredibly in depth.”
Mel G, Kairos Student 2020-21
The Seven Modules
Each module runs for 5-6 weeks, and begins with a main teaching weekend, which runs 4.00pm - 8.00pm UK Time on Saturday & Sunday (with a 30 min break). Then there are three subsequent evening sessions during the 5/6 weeks dedicated to each module. The first of these is a facilitated case study session, where I invite someone from outside of the course to offer their chart as a case study for the group. There will then be a tutor-led support group session to discuss the themes of the module, and how to approach the topic in a client situation. And the the third subseqent session is a technical class on a particular topic that has not been covered in the foundation course.
Details & Course Dates for Each Module
Click the + button to expand the information on each module
One of the most common motivations for a person to seek astrological advice is when they feel at a crossroads in their life and sense that the path they have been following in their life is no longer true for them, no longer authentic. It could be about personal ambition and may relate to career, a change in the type of work that they do, but often it relates more to their sense of vocation, in a wider sense, more to do with their role in life, their sense of purpose or spiritual calling. It could be about wanting to make more of a difference in the world in some way, to be of service above and beyond personal ambition.
In this module, we will explore in depth the main signifiers of vocation in a person’s chart and how to best address this in practice with clients.
Weekend Teaching Dates: Sat 5 / Sun 6 Oct 2024
Group Case Study Session: Mon 14 Oct 2024
Facilitated Support Group with Tutor: Mon 21 Oct 2024
Technical Class (Topic: Part of Fortune): Mon 28th Oct 2024
In this module we will explore the signatures in the birth chart that indicate relationship issues; our needs and desires in connection with others, different styles of relating, sexual dynamics, trust issues, power dynamics; the nature of attraction and compatibility; the contrasting wants and needs that we experience in our relationships and love affairs. We will introduce the subject of synastry (the comparison of two charts) and the composite chart of a relationship (midpoint method).
Weekend Teaching Dates: Sat 16 / Sun 17 Nov 2024
Group Case Study Session: Mon 25 Nov 2024
Facilitated Support Group with Tutor: Mon 2 Dec 2024
Technical Class (Topic: Composite Chart): Mon 9 Dec 2024
In this module, we will be looking to our roots, to where we come from, and explore how our relationship with our parents, siblings, and ancestors play such a key role in shaping the type of people that we ourselves become, and the type of families that we create. The astrological chart has an extraordinary capacity to describe these family dynamics and how they inform our instinctive disposition toward the world and the choices that we make. We will explore these signatures in depth and also look at the dynamics of the families that we have created as adults, our own children and grandchildren. Developing the theme of synastry from the previous module, we will compare charts of family members, and identify certain themes or resemblances, which show up as recurring signatures in these charts.
Weekend Teaching Dates: 11 / 12 Jan 2025
Group Case Study Session: Mon 20 Jan 2025
Facilitated Support Group with Tutor: Mon 27 Jan 2025
Technical Class (Topic: Midpoints): Mon 3 Feb 2025
In this module we will explore the astrological signatures for money, wealth and abundance in the birth chart. We can learn much about the energy of money through astrology, and how to deepen our relationship to what it is at an archetypal level. The chart can provide powerful clues to help identify our particular issues around it, especially issues around self-worth, and the alignment between what we are good at, what we love, and what the world will pay for. This module will help pinpoint areas of blockage in relation to money and abundance and help indicate ways in which we can assist in transforming these challenges, and help a person tune in to their own natural wealth flow.
Weekend Teaching Dates: 22 / 23 Feb 2025
Group Case Study Session: Mon 3 Mar 2024
Technical Class (Topic: TBC): Mon 10 Mar 2025
Facilitated Support Group with Tutor: Mon 17 Mar 2025
In this module we will focus on the signatures in a birth chart that indicate physical, psychological and spiritual health. We will look at temperament, the humours, the correspondences between planets, signs, and parts of the body, and traditional astrological correspondences with plants and healing remedies. Astrologers traditionally look to the first house for an indication of life force and vitality, to the sixth house for a an indication of disease and susceptibility to particular physical health conditions and to the 12th house for susceptibility to mental or psychological health issues.
We will include these areas, and expand this understanding to also consider the issue of how our faith and beliefs influence our capacity for health and well-being, as part of a greater paradigm, and explore how this reflected in an astrological chart, taking a whole chart perspective on health. We will also explore the topic of woundedness, and consider Chiron, the archetype of the wounded healer.
It should be noted that in this module we address specific ethical issues around the temptation to diagnose and prescribe health conditions, and emphasise that the school does not condone (and strongly advises against) this practice.
Weekend Teaching Dates: 5 / 6 Apr 2025
Group Case Study Session: Mon 14 Apr 2025
Facilitated Support Group with Tutor: Mon 21 Apr 2025
Technical Class (Topic: Temperament): Mon 28 Apr 2025ion
One way of approaching a birth chart is to consider how the patterns and tendencies that colour a person’s character and inform his or her destiny, might originate in unresolved issues from previous incarnations. And that these karmic patterns can be be revealed through the astrological placements in a person’s birth chart. In this module, we will be considering the birth chart within a re-incarnation context, paying special attention to the placements of the Ascendant, Moon, Saturn, lunar nodes, hard aspects, retrograde planets and the 4th, 8th & 12th houses of the horoscope. We will be looking at personal examples from participants own charts and those of participants friends and family members.
It should be noted in this module that we address specific ethical issues around the identification / labelling of past-life issues and the dangers of literalising past-life experiences. We are also very mindful in the way we define karma and explore the ways in which the philosophy around it is understood and communicated.
Weekend Teaching Dates: 17 / 18 May 2025
Group Case Study Session: Mon 26 May 2025
Facilitated Support Group with Tutor: Mon 2 Jun 2025
Technical Class (Topic: Interceptions): Mon 9 Jun 2025
In this module we will be focussing on the ethics of astrological practice, and looking at how we best serve our clients, exploring use of language, ways of handling symbolism and how to manage client expectations. When should we offer advice? Should we predict? An astrological chart clearly gives us powerful ‘inside information’ into a person’s life, but how should we be presenting that information, and what role are we playing in our client’s lives? In this final module we will bring together everything we have learned and set it within the context of how we actually conduct ourselves as astrological practitioners.
Weekend Teaching Dates: 5 / 6 Jul 2025
Subsequent Sessions TBC
The Accreditation Route to the dip. KSA Award
When we get to Module 3, you will be invited to register for the accreditation route to the Dip. KSA award (APAI accredited). This involves an additional fee for 1-2-1 tutor-led supervision and requires you to successfully complete 4 x 1-2-1 case studies with people from outside of the course, focussed on four of the different module topics that we cover. You will submit a recording of the first 30 minutes of these sessions to a tutor, and receive 1-2-1 feedback and support. You will be required to attend all seven modules, and also be required to keep a learning journal and submit this to your tutor at the end of the course. The final case study assessment will be with the course leader, John Wadsworth. Providing this final piece of work reaches the required standard, and you agree to the Kairos Code of Ethical Practice, and upon satisfactory completion of an end of course questionnaire, you will granted the dip. KSA award. This is recognised by the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), and allows you to join an official register of professional astrologers and take out professional indemnity insurance through Balens insurers.
You are also free to follow the whole course, and participate fully in all the classes, and with the online community forum, without pursuing the accreditation route. Providing you complete at least six of the seven modules and submit a final questionnarie at the end of the course, then you will receive a Certificate of Course Completion.
Basic Course Fee: £1450.00
(to be paid in full by 30 Sept 2024)
This fee includes 84 hours of live tuition over 11 months, comprehensive course notes and resources, access to the online classroom until six months after the course ends, access to the Diploma Course Community Forum
Supplementary Fee for dip. KSA Accreditation Route: £525.00
(this optional extra fee is to be paid by 14 Feb 2025)