Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
On Friday 5th May (6.34pm, UK time) we have full moon lunar eclipse in the mid-degree Scorpio to complete this eclipse season, following on the heels of the solar eclipse, which occurred on 20th April in the last degree of Aries. And what a powerful day for this eclipse to fall, with the Sun at 15˚ Taurus, the exact midpoint between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, the true astronomical Beltane. Beltane marks a turning point in the year, charged with the power of creativity and fecundity, a moment of great calendrical significance, when the ratio of daylight over darkness (in the northern hemisphere) has reached its maximum acceleration rate of increase.
This is a penumbral lunar eclipse, which causes the moon to darken (though not completely disappear) in parts of the world where the moon is above the horizon. The eclipse occurs before moonrise in the US, UK and most of Europe, and so the phenomena will not be visible for us. However, it is a powerful indicator astrologically.
The Power of a Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse significantly intensifies the energy of the full moon, and will tend to bring lingering emotional situations to a head, sometimes prompting significant changes in relationships. This can manifest through major events, realisations, culmination points. The way ahead may be obscured under the influence of an eclipse, and we may need to surrender to that which we cannot control, or yet fully understand. This is even more resonant with this eclipse falling in Scorpio, where the truth can only be penetrated by those willing to see through the veil of illusion that masks it. Forces move covertly and with ruthless intent within the corridors of power at such a time, and there is a need to tend to our own demons and hidden motivations at a personal level. It is also true to say that certain consequences of the intentions that were seeded at the new moon two weeks ago will be realised now.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (5 May 2023, 6.34pm, UK TIme)
Facing the Minotaur & the Rite of Gratitude
This is the last eclipse that will occur with the moon’s nodes (which predict when eclipses will happen) stretched across the Taurus /Scorpio axis, as the nodes will soon be moving onto the Aries/Libra axis. Taurus-Scorpio holds a tension between gain and loss; the sensual pleasure seeking urge of Taurus, as against the desire and psychological intensity of Scorpio. In Taurus, we seek to grow what is good, to acquire and establish rights of ownership to which we attach value and seek to secure. In Scorpio we process our losses, purge our material attachments, and face the consequences of repressed desire.
This eclipse season belongs to a Saros series of eclipses (which recur every 18 years) that astrologer Bernadette Brady interprets as being “a very sensual family of eclipses, ranging from sudden sexual passions and lust to birth and procreative drives…and can catch people off guard and confront them with their own very deep passion which may have been hidden for many years.” (Brady, Predictive Astrology: The Eagle & the Lark, p. 317)
The shadow aspects of an Scorpio moon eclipse are covetousness and jealousy; the urge to want to hang on to what we have, met with an opposing and equally toxic urge to have what someone else has. The Taurus-Scorpio shadow takes us into the mythological realm of the minotaur, the half-man, half bull creature, born out of an unnatural lust that resulted from the failure to relinquish the stewardship of something precious and bountiful. We should tend to these urges with care and close attention over this eclipse and notice where the twin monsters of greed and envy collide.
The healing medicine of Taurus is a rite of gratitude; to be thankful for what we have while we have it, accepting the grace with which it was given, and to offer that up in thanks, recognising that we are only its steward and not its keeper. This opens us to the counter medicine of Scorpio which is to turn toward the shadow, look into the dark mirror of the soul, embrace death as a gateway within a greater cycle of life, and allow its transforming power to digest what is no longer vital and alive.
Theseus Slaying the Minotaur in the Labyrinth
Full Moon Opposed Uranus: Feeling the Pressure to Change
This full moon is in an applying opposition to Uranus, with a 4 orb, which unsettles the status quo, and can make us more quite starkly aware of what is not working, putting pressure on things to change and evolve. It may feel de-stabilising, and we may need to resist the temptation to over-react to this feeling by severing ties prematurely, or reacting too severely to triggering situations. There may a need to call time on a toxic situation, and the energy of this eclipse might seem to bring that about, but the question is more about how we can respond to what is moving and changing within us,; how can we hold that restless tension within ourselves without projecting it onto outer situations, or relationships.
Moon & Mars in Mutual Reception: The Protective Instinct
In the chart for the eclipse (see below), we see that the Moon in Scorpio is making an applying trine to Mars in Cancer, which is in the Moon’s sign, and so in mutual reception with the Moon. This places Mars and the Moon in a kind of co-dependent relationship, and both being in signs where they are challenged to behave in ways that are not natural to them. This tends to encourage a quick protective response in the face of perceived danger. While the threat we face may be real, and the protective instinct justified to an extent, we should also be mindful to check our responses, if we find ourselves to be too hasty in the way we withdraw or defend ourselves in reaction to situations or to others behaviour. The gift of this position is toward the care of the soul, and we do well to remember that a kind act in support of another, can also nurture a kindness to ourselves.
The Nodal Return of the King
You can see from the chart above that the north node is at 4˚ Taurus (south node at 4˚ Scorpio) over this eclipse. Fascinatingly this is the same degree as our soon-to-be-crowned King Charles, whose nodal return in his 10th house (of vocation and purpose) is timed perfectly for the coronation. Charles was actually born the day before a lunar eclipse, and is to be crowned the day after one! You could hardly make it up!
Being born with a 10th house north node in Taurus, our new king has had to wait a long time for his moment to come, living for so long in the shadow of his Mother’s position, with his Sun in Scorpio conjunct Chiron, bearing the signature of wounded sovereignty. There is a certain amount of auspice associated with the timing of his coronation, though there is also a Uranus transit to his Scorpio Sun over the coming year that could unsettle his reign. To what extent it threatens his tenure as king, only time will tell.
Here is the chart for King Charles, with the transits for the coronation shown around the outside.
Here is my Scorpio mantra to help carry us through this powerful time.
“I face the complexity of my own shadow, and in so doing, I honour the depth of my Soul”.
Full moon eclipse blessings to all.
Planets Alive: Embodied Astrology & Astrodrama Retreat
Thurs 5th - Sun 8th Oct 2023
Earth-Spirit Centre, Compton Dundon, Glastonbury
I am happy to announce details of my next astrodrama retreat for October. It will take place at the wonderful Earth-Spirit Centre in Compton Dundon, a few miles outside of Glastonbury, right in the heart of the Glastonbury Zodiac.
Come and experience the healing theatre of your own astrological chart, over four days of embodied, experiential astrology play, dance and ceremony!
Open to all levels of astrological experience.
Early Bird Price: £595.00 (full board)
Click here for more details...
Testimonials from Previous Participants
"This workshop is the gift that keeps on giving well after the event. Such a rare experience to find a workshop of this quality, which explores the depth of the psyche from an astrological perspective. Highly highly recommended.” (Carmel)
"Astrodrama is a fresh, fun way to explore astrology and really get to feel the depth and power of the planets in their different aspects. I love the very experiential way of working, with a lot of dance and laughter, intensity and a great sense of play. It was very powerful dressing up as the planets, feeling the shifts as we followed where they led. John is masterful at leading the action through his intuitively spot-on music.” (Hermione Holmes)
"The Astrodrama retreat breathed life into the two dimensional chart producing a chorus of three dimensional planetary archetypes ready to to jostle for position and voice. I have spent over 30 years studying astrology but this format brought a whole new meaning to the natal chart. It was an honour to play other's planets and such fun choosing costumes for planets in signs." (Beki Martin)